About 6 months ago the internet was going crazy with the behind the scenes footage of Trey Songz's video Yo side Of the Bed, but the behind the scenes footage disappeared and there was no sign of the video, in the mean time Trey Songz release his video for Neighbors Know My Name. Eventhough N.K.M.N was a good video , Trey Songz fans were all over twitter demanding the Y.S.O.T.B video. Then last week the trailor for Yo Side Of The Bed came out, and yesterday May 26th, 2010 the long awaited Yo Side Of The Bed video premiere online.
The video stars Keri Hilson as Trey's wife, and the adorable Mackenzie as their daughter. This video is extremely powerful video. I have been a Trey Songz fan since day one and I believe this is his best video to date. This is how videos should be, there is a real concept , a real message in this video and it will bring a tear to your eye. For the people who are just recently starting to know who Trey Songz is and believe he is only about sex because of the songs that have made him more 'appealing' to everyone, will be proven wrong by this video. If you haven't seen the video already check it out below: